
Is your carpet making you sick?

Is your carpet making you sick?

Hey folks I know this might seem a little off topic but I have A question for you, would you dry your body after a shower with a towel that has been used over and over again by a dozen or more people and not been washed in a year? The answer is “Of course not!”

Ok I know that seems like kind of a ridiculous question to ask by I do have a reason for asking. Recently I was researching common everyday household health hazard and one of the hazards that made the list was Dirty carpets and that kind of shocked me. After looking in to it the idea of dirty carpets being a serious household hazard it began to make perfect sense.
Most people don't realize the huge health dangers a dirty carpet presents. Ask yourself this, “when was the last time I had my carpet cleaned? If its been longer than 3 months then your long over due.

Think about this for just one second, if you wouldn't dare to use a towel that has been used over and over countless times without being washed then why would you in essence do the same thing with your carpet?

Every day our carpets are walked on, spilled on and if you have pets then you know exactly what they can do to a carpet. An unclean carpet is is the perfect breeding ground for mold, bacteria and a host of other nastiest that if left unchecked and uncleaned can cause havoc.

Getting your carpets cleaned regularly is the number one thing you can do to protect your families health. Finding a great carpet cleaning company was easy it took me a matter of seconds to find Phoenix Carpet Cleaning.

Check out their blog at http://www.hsiphoenix.com/blog

Phoenix carpet cleaning is a fantastic company! Here is the how you can get in touch with them
Hospitality Services Inc. and Owner Mark Masters offer you a Phoenix Carpet Cleaning Internet Special (by Phoenix we mean the Valley).
It’s on our website http://www.hsiphoenix.com.
And please visit our blog: http://hsiphoenix.com/blog/
You can get a free quote on our website, or please give us a call: 602-569-2100